12 omiljenih filmova Kventina Tarantina
Helly Cherry
Sajt Sight and Sound zamolio je proslavljene režisere da sastave listu svojih omiljenih filmova svih vremena. Svoje najdraže filmove otkrili su Martin Skroseze, Vudi Alen, Giljerno del Toro i drugi. Sada vam predsavljamo listu 12 omiljenih filmova Kventina Tarantina.
1. Apocalypse Now (1979) - Francis Ford Coppola
2. The Bad News Bears (1976) - Michael Ritchie
3. Carrie (1976) - Brian De Palma
4. Dazed and Confused (1993) - Richard Linklater
5. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (1966) - Sergio Leone
6. The Great Escape (1963) - John Sturges
7. His Girl Friday (1939) - Howard Hawks
8. Jaws (1975) - Steven Spielberg
9. Pretty Maids All in a Row (1971) - Roger Vadium
10. Rolling Thunder (1977) - John Flynn
11. Sorcerer (1977) - William Friedkin
12. Taxi Driver (1976) - Martin Scorsese
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